I found out I was pregnant with my second child right
before Christmas. I called up the same OB who helped me with my miscarriage a
few months earlier, and I stayed with that OB until I was almost 32 weeks
pregnant. When the “midwife” on staff didn't want to discuss natural hospital
birth, I fired them. The next day I called a local birthing center and made an
appointment. The rest is history…
August 30th, 2010
40 weeks 5 days pregnant
I was awakened from a deep sleep by a popping sensation.
My eyes opened the second I felt it, and at that very moment I felt a gush of
water between my legs. I did an awkward roll out of bed and made my way quickly
onto the tile floor. I sat down on the toilet and waited for the amniotic fluid
to stop leaking. Every time I leaned forward to get some toilet paper, more
water would leak. It felt like an eternity before I was able to make my way
over to the cabinet to get a pad. This is not my first pregnancy, but it was
the first time my water broke on its own. My husband had jokingly prepared some
puppy training pads on the passenger seat of our car, and now I was secretly
glad he did. Once I was cleaned up, I crawled back into bed to try and rest.
I was too excited and anxious to rest, and I could feel
contractions coming regularly. The hour drive to the birthing center was
looming in the back of my mind. I decide to wake up my husband Brian and call
my midwife to let her know my water has broken and that I was having regular
contractions. She asks me to come to the birthing center and labor there,
rather than have to make the drive later on in my labor. I feel relieved. I call
my dad to come over and care for our older son Corbin, and pack some things to
bring to the birthing center.
My dad arrives and is very excited that things are
happening! He lives out of state, but has been very involved in the birth of my
children. He was there for Corbin’s birth and has been staying at my brother’s
house in preparation for this birth. After my dad gets settled, Brian and I
load up the car and head to Breath of Life Birthing Center.
We arrive at the birthing center where we are greeted by
the midwife and her assistant. They bring us back to our birthing suite so we
can get settled. The tub is filled with warm water and the lights are dimmed
low. It looks exactly how I envisioned my birthing time; peaceful, calming,
I call my mom and sister and they get ready to come to the
center to be with us during the birth. I sit on a large exercise ball and
listen to my Hypnobabies affirmations.
My mom and sister arrive. We walk around the outdoor
gardens, and through the halls of the birthing center. My contractions are frequent,
but not as strong and I had hoped they would be by now. We keep walking.
We are still walking. Things are going very slow and I
begin to worry about hitting that 24 hour mark from the time my water broke. I
get anxious and worried that things are not happening like they should be. I
try and remember that Corbin’s birth was also slow, and that things ARE
happening, just not quickly. I haven’t had a vaginal exam, and I’m thankful for
that. If I had only been 3 or 4cm dilated, it might have pushed my confidence
even lower.
I take a shower and stimulate my nipples in hopes of
speeding up labor. I sit on the toilet for a while and labor there. While
walking through the halls, I have to hold onto Brian for support during my
My mom and sister decide to go get something to eat and
do a little shopping for soon-to-be big brother Corbin. Brian and I lie in bed
and listen to Hypnobabies. He dozes off a little and I move to the exercise
ball. Time is starting to get fuzzy…
My contractions are strong now and I am having a hard
time finding a comfortable spot. I go from toilet to bed to birthing ball and
don’t find much relief. We decide to do a cervical check and I am at 6cm.
At some point, my mom and sister came back from their
outing, but stayed out in the “Family Room” so I could have some private time.
I become very emotional. My midwife lovingly asks me why
I’m crying and I said, “I feel bad that my mom and sister are out there!”
Honestly, I don’t know why I was crying. I just felt overwhelmed with many
emotions. I decide to get into the tub and within minutes have to vocalize
through my contractions.
My mom and sister come back to be with Brian and I. My
sister is my savior! She covers my back and neck with ice cold washcloths. I
have never felt anything better. I am vocalizing with every contraction and
resting between them. My position in the tub is on my knees, with my upper body
resting on the edge of the tub. I feel paralyzed and refuse to change
positions. I can feel the baby coming down with each pressure wave, and my body
begins to gently push uncontrollably.
My midwife talks me into changing positions, to see if I
can push the baby out. I flip over and relax in the warm water. My huge belly
floats in front of me and my bottom is lifted by the water in the tub. I find
it hard to bear down since I am floating. The midwife begins to drain some
water from the tub.
With a few pushes, the baby’s head is born. My husband
reaches into the water and feels his son’s head emerging from my body. I reach
down and do the same. Our baby is almost here! The birthing assistant cannot
get a good read with the heart rate monitor and the midwife once again has me
get back on my knees with my upper body resting on the tub. How I managed to
change positions with his head already born is unknown to me, but I did it!
The midwife had to help maneuver my baby the rest of the
way out of the birth canal. His shoulder was slightly turned and stuck behind
my pelvis. As soon as she freed him, he came flying out! She caught him and
wrapped him in a blanket. They had the oxygen on standby, but did not need it.
He did need a little suctioning, and immediately started crying. By this time
the tub was completely drained, so I stood up and turned around so I could meet
my baby.
We sat in the tub for quite some time waiting on the
placenta, but it was not ready to be born yet. We decided to have Brian cut the
cord. My sister held baby Dash, and Brian and my mom helped me to the bed. Once
in bed, Dash immediately latched on and the placenta was born shortly after. I
did have some tearing due to his positioning, but the midwife quickly stitched
it up.
We all sat and talked and ate dinner until around 6pm,
when it was time for the midwife to give Dash a checkup. He weighed in at 9lbs
8oz and was 21 inches long! Over a pound bigger than his brother!
By 9pm, we are ready to head home. We squeeze Dash into a
newborn sized diaper and outfit, and strap him into his car seat. We are home
by 10pm and tucked into bed, a new family of 4.
I loved reading this! It's wonderful that you and Brian had such a great experience bringing Dash into the world :)